Late Summer Thoughts


September is here.

When I was little, my teacher in Indonesia once said, “Any month that ends with —ber is a rainy month”. Then she hugged herself and said “Brrr” acting like it was so cold. That’s what we Indonesian say when it’s cold.

Although inaccurate, there is little truth in what she said. Here in England, the weather starts to get colder. The leaves begin to fall from the trees.

I am thankful for the abundance of blackberries and apples from our back garden. They soon will be gone as the weather gets colder. I picked some for dear friends and our lovely neighbor too, and some others helped themselves picking from the trees.

I don’t usually like colder months, but I’m looking forward to it this year. Summer has been very hectic in our home, and I would gladly welcome a slower winter.

For the last few months, I was off from video-making. I was overwhelmed by the travels we did, my studies, and everything else in between. 

During the summer, I tried to keep up with weeding. They were everywhere and uncontrollable! I never had a massive patio before. Having a larger patio comes with more maintenance demand. Weeds are a reminder of our fallenness. Also a reminder of the reality that we don’t have full control of our lives. We like the idea that we are in control but know too well that we are not. That’s why we have an emergency fund, paying for insurance, and pensions, yet still unsure if they would be risk-free. The bitter truth is we indeed have no control.

I often ponder on the question Schaeffer proposed “How then we should live?”

As a Christian, I am blessed to know my God is in charge of everything. He is the ONE who creates all and has power over all. He commands things to exist. He stirs the hearts of people. He raises kings and brings them down.

I am at peace because I am in His sovereign and merciful hands.

The bright summer skies will soon turn dull. The green leaves will quickly turn yellow and fall to the ground. All under the control and sustenance of the almighty God!

One of our trips this Summer was to the Lake District in the northwest of England. We went to a quiet peaceful area far from the noise and strive of the city. Beautiful lake, glorious mountains. God’s creations make me wonder in awe. 

We also went to Shrewsbury. We found the bookshop we wanted to visit. Illuminate Christian Bookshop that is. Purchased a few books. We are still on a hunt to find a Christian Hymnbook music edition. It’s a rare thing. We couldn’t find it there. 

Continue with my train of thought. My shop has been closed since we moved in January. I was struggling with all the changes. I love my routines and the systems I have built. A slight change, and when things get a little out of order, it frustrates me a lot. All the moving, trips, and unforeseen things that happened lately were very exhausting for me mentally. I was left despondent. I couldn’t be bothered to reopen my shop. After settling in and adjusting to the new life season, I have gathered the courage to return to it. My shop will be re-opened this coming Monday, 9 September 2024, Lord willing. 

I hung my patterns up, sorted my fabrics, made a new business plan, got a new domain, and set up a new website. I moved my hosting away from my previous hosting and changed my shop name to “DearLuna” after my cutest cat Luna.

And for a closing thought, I indeed have no control over how my business will turn out but I can be prayerfully doing my best and trust God will open or close doors.

I look forward to creating more, and to peaceful autumn and winter months ahead!

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