Antara Iphone dan Sebuah Pelajaran
Setelah kisah Supir Taksi Tobat, kisah gue berlanjut lagi. Bus biru itupun akhirnya sampai juga di terminal Glasgow- Scotland. Kalau […]
Setelah kisah Supir Taksi Tobat, kisah gue berlanjut lagi. Bus biru itupun akhirnya sampai juga di terminal Glasgow- Scotland. Kalau […]
Setelah pupus lantaran rencana ke Jerman dan Perancis (harus) ditunda, gue mulai menyusun rencana untuk traveling. Segera gue layangkan surat
It is another Christmas time for me far away from my family. I am grateful for my fiance and his
I remember I was with a friend, in the Museum in Manchester, when one of the paintings caught my attention.
I pondered on Moses’ story in the bible ~again. It wasn’t my first time though. Since high school, Moses’ story
I have mentioned about being involved at church ministry lately, and there are two things I would like to do.
I remember I was 20 years old when I started preaching in youth camps and began to witness how God
Yohanes 17: 1-11 Yesus baru saja usai berbincang dengan para murid lalu ia menegadah ke langit dan mengucap doa. Demikianlah
I sat on the bench outside the pub, enjoying beautiful landscapes of the hill and the sea was so inspiring.
[From a book written by a woman] Jangan lupa untuk menyambut segala kesulitanmu dengan kasih dan sukacita. Yakinlah bahwa Aku